Nuclear-21 launches its Free NucInfo.Public Service, Providing Easy-to-use and Verified Information on Nuclear Energy

NucInfo.Public is a free infographics information resource curated by Nuclear-21. NucInfo provides easy-to-use, interactive, and up-to-date information on the use and development of nuclear energy worldwide. NucInfo.Public is a reduced version of the complete NucInfo database and gives a first look into the functionalities that NucInfo offers.

NucInfo is used by Nuclear-21 and our clients to document and analyse the development of nuclear energy systems and to support strategic, financial, policy and business decision-making with real data and trend analysis. With NucInfo, users can also perform scenario analysis to address the ‘what if?’-style questions typically required in comprehensive assessments.

Please make use of NucInfo.Public, ensuring to reference “NucInfo by Nuclear-21”. Please send any questions, comments and proposals to