The recourse to nuclear energy is increasingly considered as a necessary or an unavoidable means to ensure both a transition towards a (GHG) CO2 free energy and the security and availability of electricity worldwide, in support to a sustainable development .The dissemination of nuclear power worldwide will not only require the construction of nuclear power plants and the supply of related nuclear fuel but also of a diversified and expert manpower.
Nuclear-21 underwrites the importance to train a new generation of experts and that such training should allow to give a broad picture and knowledge of the diverse issues and responsibilities facing “nuclear workers”.
In that respect, Nuclear 21 has delivered several lectures on technical as well as on legal and political aspects related to the use of nuclear energy. For instance, Nuclear-21 has contributed for instance to the the Nuclear Safeguards Master Program within the ENEN Safeguards training and education program (SaTE).
More information can be obtained from Ms. Caroline Jorant.