Harmonisation of the Regulatory Framework for newbuild nuclear installations

Very committed for the reflection on the harmonisation of the regulatory framework for the design and assessment of innovative nuclear systems (1), Nuclear 21 actively participates in the European Harmonise project, whose objectives are as follows:

  • To analyse preliminary safety assessments of innovative fission and fusion installations
  • To peruse the licensing needs for innovative nuclear installations
  • To examine risk-informed, performance-based (RIPB) approaches in licensing reviews and regulatory decision-making
  • To delimit harmonisation and standardisation on component assessments, methodologies, codes and standards
  • To learn from earlier experience in harmonisation efforts

The work includes the methodical study of IAEA Safety Standards for preliminary assessment of their applicability in advanced fission and fusion reactors in order to draft proposals which will reduce the technology dependence on the expressed requirements. Specifically for Nuclear 21: proposals will be formulated for of a risk-informed, performance-based process to support the licensing of these future plants.

Nuclear-21’s Perspectives report having been extensively consulted and a direct basis to those Harmonise project.

More information can be obtained from Mr. Gian-Luigi Fiorini.