Nuclear-21 performs technical-economic assessment of the role that Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) may fulfil in the future energy mix in countries and/or specific regions. Such technical-economic assessment studies being requested in the decisional process regarding the role for nuclear energy in more resilient energy system strategies embracing the decarbonisation objective and economic competitiveness for society at large and energy-intensive industries particularly.
We apply our extensive and comprehensive expertise of Nuclear-21’s team with a strong experience backing on virtually all facets of a nuclear energy programme, from early evaluation of energy systems and the role for nuclear energy, over the development programme including R&D en skills developments, to newbuild programme design and development until technology qualification, licensing and construction, operation until even decommissioning. Not to forget the fuel and fuel cycle and radioactive waste management. We are involved in international programmes regarding the harmonisation of regulatory framework and involved, as independent partner, in assessing SMR/AMR designs and proposals.
For more extensive technical-economic assessment, we can build upon our unique integrated NESSAT toolbox allowing to assess nuclear energy scenarios from ‘cradle-to-grave’.